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How to Prepare For Thigh Lift Surgery | Houston, TexasIf the patient focuses on health and fitness and planning for thigh lift cosmetic surgery and recovery in the weeks ahead of the procedure, it can maximize their chances for excellent results. 

The surgeon will offer suggestions and guidelines for preparation during the pre-operative consultation process.

A thigh lift is a major procedure, and the patient should follow the surgeon’s instructions in a dedicated manner and prepare well for the procedure. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides thigh lift to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Steps Involved in Preparation for the Surgery


Preparation for Post-Surgical Recovery 

The patient should make advance preparation for recovery, including buying supplies such as gauze and bandages, and compression garments. The surgical clinic may not provide you with everything you need. You should be prepared for any eventualities as well. There is nothing wrong with contingency planning. 

Fill prescriptions for antibiotics, painkillers, anticoagulants, and any other medications that they may require to undergo and recover from the plastic surgery procedure. 

It will be more challenging to arrange for drugs after the procedure, and no patient would want to wait for painkillers when they are feeling uncomfortable. In case the surgeon offers drugs at the office as a component of the surgical package, this step will not be necessary. 

The patient should thoroughly understand the post-operative care guidelines from the surgeon or nurses. They should have clarity on all elements of these guidelines before they receive the thigh lift. 


A Day Prior to the Surgery

For a minimum of eight hours before the surgery, the patient should not eat or drink anything. In addition, they should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing which can conveniently be worn and removed. Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for thigh lift. 

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.