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Thigh Lift Plastic Surgery

What is a thigh lift? | Houston, TexasA thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves the removal of excess fat and skin from the inner or outer thighs, or both, to improve thigh contours. 

This procedure should only be performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. It is suitable for patients who are unable to eliminate excess tissue in their upper thighs with diet or exercise alone. 

The surgeon may sometimes recommend combining liposuction with thigh re-contouring to develop more youthful thigh contours. 

To enjoy the new shape of the thighs for a long time, the patient should be committed to maintaining a balanced diet and active lifestyle. East fast food all the time and not ever working out is not an ideal lifestyle to retain that coveted shape, for instance.

Many people have an exercise machine right in front of their TV so they can watch a movie or a sporting event while they keep the calories at bay.  

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides thigh lift to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Appropriate Candidates

The following individuals usually make suitable candidates for thigh lift surgery:


Procedure Steps

Inner (Medial) Thigh Lift

The cosmetic surgeon will place an incision in the groin area after administering anesthesia to the patient. Excess fat and skin along the inner aspect of the thigh will be removed via the incision. Liposuction may be added to the procedure, depending on the patient’s condition of fatty pockets. 

The surgeon will re-contour the area from the groin to the knee as well as repeat the same steps for the outer thigh. In a few cases, thighplasty may be undertaken, which involves a more substantive removal of a wedge of tissue. 


Outer (Lateral) Thigh Lift 

This procedure is typically more intricate, and often involves re-contouring of the buttocks along with the outer thighs. It involves the removal of more tissue. 

The patient will need to manage their post-treatment weight as the skin will become less elastic following the plastic surgery. The scarring will also be slightly more noticeable. 


Incision and Scar Appearance 

In the case of a medial thigh lift, the incisions will be made in the groin area. However, if the patient requires a substantial removal of sagging skin, the surgeon may place a longitudinal incision along the inner thigh.

For a lateral thigh lift, the incision will extend from the groin, around the hip, and likely also include a buttock fold incision. A qualified surgeon will make discreet incisions to ensure that any future scars can be hidden with clothing. 



The new, smooth, and youthful thigh contours will be noticeable immediately. However, the patient will undergo a few days of bruising, inflammation, and soreness in the incision sites. In the initial month, the patient may need to wear a compression garment to optimize the new contours. 

Inflammation will slowly resolve over three to five weeks. A majority of patients can resume their routine in around one week to ten days. However, they should avoid vigorous activities for about six weeks. 

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for thigh lift.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.