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Visiting Houston, TX for your plastic surgery procedure? | HoustonIt is an important decision to undergo breast implant removal cosmetic surgery and one that the patient should arrive at only after careful consideration of all facets of the procedure as well as clarifying her concerns with the surgeon. 

During the initial consultation, the patient will have an opportunity to ask the surgeon any questions that she may have.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast implant removal to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities. 


List of Questions

The patient should ideally enlist any questions that she may have regarding the procedure or the surgeon’s credentials beforehand to ensure that no important information is missed out. The surgeon will offer the patient accurate and in-depth answers to her questions to enable her to make an enlightened decision. 


Question about the Technique

The patient should be clear on the surgeon’s recommendations for the breast implant removal technique. There are certain benefits and limitations related to various types of techniques. In case the patient is not sure whether to choose removal or replacement, she should talk to her cosmetic surgeon. 


Additional Suggestions

The patient should unhesitatingly ask questions about payment methods, costs, and financing alternatives pertaining to breast implant removal surgery. A plastic surgery procedure represents a personal journey for the patient. Therefore, she should feel completely satisfied and reassured after the surgeon answers her questions. 

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast implant removal.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Women who are unhappy with the results of their breast augmentation or those who experience complications with breast implants may be ideal for candidates for saline or silicone implant removal cosmetic surgery

In case the original breast augmentation procedure was not undertaken properly, this procedure might become necessary.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast implant removal to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Objectives and Expectations

The breast surgeon will closely interact with the patient to understand her specific cosmetic goals and expectations from breast implant removal surgery. 

This feedback will be taken into account while developing an individualized surgical plan to meet her unique requirements. The surgeon will encourage them to review breast implant removal before and after images to allow the patient to develop reasonable expectations. 

On top of this, the surgeon will make sure that the patient wants to undergo this procedure out of her free will. Patients who are well-informed are able to arrive at a more sagacious decision on breast implant removal surgery and typically attain higher levels of satisfaction as well. 


Deciding between Implant Removal and Replacement

The surgeon will establish the reasons for breast implant complications and recommend a suitable course of action before the breast implant revision surgery. If the patient decides to undergo breast implant replacement, this procedure may be performed independently in many cases.

But if the patient seeks only breast implant removal, the surgeon will advise them on additional plastic surgery options such as breast lift surgery. This can be performed along with breast implant removal. Prior to the surgery, the surgeon will examine the implants and the adjacent tissue for swelling, leakage, rupture, and infection.


Establishing Candidacy

The main objective for the surgeon during a breast implant removal consultation is determining the patient as a candidate for this procedure. The surgeon will undertake a general medical exam and assess the breast structure, skin elasticity, and skin texture.

The surgeon will also assess the patient’s medical and surgical history and may order medical tests if required. They will include the cosmetic goals of the patient into the breast surgery plan.


Pre-op Guidelines

At the time of the pre-op consultation, the surgeon will provide the patient with clear guidelines about avoiding smoking for a specified period before the procedure. Moreover, they may ask the patient to temporarily stop certain prescription or non-prescription drugs or alter their schedules in discussion with the prescribing doctor. 


List of Questions

Ideally, the patient should create a detailed list of questions that they wish to ask the surgeon during the consultation. A ready list of questions will ensure that nothing relevant is missed out. A committed surgeon will answer all questions in an accurate manner to enable the patient to make a judicious decision about the procedure.

In relation to this, the patient may request to see the testimonials of previous patients to understand their experience with the surgeon. They may request a video (if available) of the procedure to learn more about it. Certain patients may also want to speak to staff members and take a short tour of the office to get familiar with the practice.

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast implant removal.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Breast Implant Removal Candidates | Houston, TexasAt any stage after the breast augmentation cosmetic surgery, a woman may seek breast implant removal due to aesthetic, emotional, or medical reasons. The patient should be in decent overall health and not pregnant or breastfeeding to be able to undergo this procedure. 

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast implant removal to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Removal due to Unsuitable Implants

The original breast enhancement plastic surgery may not always offer the results that a patient desires. This may occur due to a variety of reasons, such as inappropriate implant shape, size, or type.

After the implant surgery (in an exceptional case), the woman may feel that she was more satisfied with the natural shape of her breasts, or that the new breasts are impeding her ability to perform specific activities.

Women with such problems may make good candidates for breast implant removal surgery. At times, the woman may not be happy with the shape, size, and type of her implants. 

The woman may feel that her implants are too large or excessively small, or the shape or profile may not be suitable. Breast implant removal surgery may be ideal in such cases. The patient may sometimes choose to get new, more appropriate implants following implant removal.

A few years after saline implants were approved by the FDA, silicone breast implants received FDA-approval. However, today, they are more popular than saline implants because of their superior touch and feel. Certain patients may desire saline implant removal and the replacement of these with silicone implants.


Surgical Complications Necessitating Implant Removal

A woman may sometimes experience complications related to breast implants following their primary augmentation mammaplasty. This may happen at any time after the plastic surgery.

The risk of complications is greatly reduced in the hands of an experienced surgeon. But complications can still develop, even many years after the original procedure. 

Capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue around the implant hardens. The patient will require implant removal or scar tissue removal surgery in cases such as these. 

In addition, they may choose to undergo a breast implant replacement procedure after the removal. Implants may leak, rupture, or deflate due to natural wear and tear or implant defects.

Implant rippling may occur due to the thinning of the skin across the breast or hormonal fluctuations. Sometimes the breast implant may shift from their original position to produce a lopsided appearance. In these types of conditions, the patient may require implant removal surgery.


Other Candidates for Implant Removal

Some women may be appropriate candidates for breast removal surgery due to other considerations, such as a cancer diagnosis. In such cases, implant removal would be necessary for the patient to be able to receive cancer treatment more effectively. Changes in aesthetic preferences or lifestyle may also cause some women to consider breast implant removal surgery.

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast implant removal.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Breast Implant Removal | Houston, TexasNo woman imagines that the breast implants that she gets during her breast augmentation cosmetic surgery might one day need to be removed. However, many women who have breast implants decide to have them removed at some point of time. 

Numerous factors, such as lifestyle changes, a breast cancer diagnosis, or experiencing complications, such as capsular contracture, may be some of the reasons for seeking breast implant removal surgery. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast implant removal to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


What is Breast Implant Removal?

Breast implant removal surgery is a procedure that reverses breast enlargement. In this procedure, the surgeon removes the breast implants or revises their size and shape. At some point, many women who have received breast implant surgery will require another breast implant revision procedure, such as:

The plastic surgeon may recommend the removal of the breast implants if a patient experiences complications with her implants, such as infection or capsular contracture. 


Who is Breast Implant Removal Surgery Suitable for?

Women usually choose to have their breast implants removed for the below-mentioned reasons:


What happens during Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

Breast implant removal plastic surgery is performed with the patient under general anesthesia. It takes between one to three hours to complete. The patient may be able to go back home on the day of the surgery itself, depending on her recovery. 

The three most common breast removal surgery techniques are:

Breast Implant Removal Only

The surgeon will make the incision in the same region as where the incisions were placed for the original breast augmentation surgery. In cases of capsular contracture, they will remove the tightened capsules to expedite the process of healing. 

Breast Implant Removal with a Breast Lift

The cosmetic surgeon may perform a breast lift along with breast implant removal in cases where the breast skin is sagging or has been stretched. They will remove any excess breast skin and tighten the breast tissue for stronger support. The surgeon may also, at times, re-size the areolas to fit the new breast shape more appropriately.  


With saline breast implants, the cosmetic surgeon may decide to deflate them without undertaking surgery. The deflation can take place in-office under local anesthesia. The results of this deflation will determine whether the patient requires further surgery, such as a breast implant replacement surgery or a breast lift. 


Recovery after Breast Implant Removal Surgery

Most women report experiencing minimal discomfort after the procedure and are able to return to work in five days. Patients who have had breast implants removed due to capsular contracture will experience more discomfort and a prolonged recovery period. 

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast implant removal.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Types of Ear Surgery | Houston, TexasMany individuals are unhappy with the size or shape of their ears right from childhood. For these types of people, ear reshaping plastic surgery (otoplasty) offers an effective solution to change the shape of their ears. This corrective surgery is popular among both adults and children.

Otoplasty is an outpatient procedure that can help change the size, shape, or orientation of the ears for people who are unhappy with their ear appearance. 

If an individual seeks ear pinning or ear reshaping surgery, it is important for them to garner all vital information before arriving at a decision on the procedure.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides otoplasty to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Ideal Candidates

An ideal ear surgery candidate is any person who is in good general health and unhappy about the appearance of their misshapen, oversized, flapping, or asymmetrical ears. 

This surgery may also be appropriate for children with deformed or misshapen ears if they are at least five years of age, and the ear cartilage is completely formed and stable. Ear reshaping cosmetic surgery is suitable for teenagers and adults alike. 


Traditional vs. Reconstructive Otoplasty

Traditional otoplasty, also known as ear pinning, involves “pinning” back extruding or oversized ears towards the patient’s head. This helps create a more natural ear appearance. Reconstructive ear surgery helps correct severe ear defects that can develop from birth or external trauma. 


Surgical Procedure 

Otoplasty is undertaken using mild general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. If the ears are prominent, the surgeon may enhance the anti-helical fold inside the ear rim. Simultaneously, they will decrease the size of an enlarged conchal cavity.

The surgeon will usually place incisions behind the ears to enable the scars to remain discreet. Some patients may need ear surgery on the front side. The incisions will be made within the ear folds, even in such cases. The freshly re-shaped cartilage will then be sutured into a desirable position.

After the procedure is complete, the surgeon will seal the incisions with external sutures. The results of this cosmetic surgery procedure usually last for a lifetime.


Ear Reduction Surgery

Some patients are more concerned about the size and shape of their ears rather than their protrusion of the ears from the side of the head. An ear surgery technique, known as “ear reduction” surgery is used to contour oversized ears, providing patients with a more natural appearance. 

Earlobe reduction may be a part of ear reduction surgery, and it is an outpatient procedure. In this surgery, the plastic surgeon removes unwanted cartilage and skin and re-shapes the ear to create a smaller, more natural-looking size. Ear reduction surgery offers balance and symmetry to the ears and face and is typically undertaken along with ear pinning.



The recovery duration can differ between two patients, depending on whether one or both ears are receiving surgery and the extent of the procedure. Most patients will be able to resume their normal routine or return to the workplace in one week after the surgery. 

The patient may need pain medications during the initial few days after the surgery to remain comfortable. The inflammation and bruising will subside significantly from the second week onwards. Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for otoplasty.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Choosing The Best Plastic Surgeon For Ear Surgery | HoustonFor an intricate procedure such as ear reshaping cosmetic surgery (otoplasty), it is important for patients to choose an experienced and well-qualified surgeon. 

This procedure is relatively safe, but it does involve some risks, akin to any surgical procedure. Therefore, the patient should work with a surgeon with a proven record of safe and predictable results. 

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides otoplasty to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities. 


Identifying the Right Surgeon

The results of ear reshaping surgery will last for many years into the future, possibly the patient’s entire lifespan. For this reason, they should devote adequate time to identify a surgeon who will offer them their desired appearance. 

Choosing the right surgeon may seem like a daunting task with countless doctors offering plastic surgery. But certain criteria can make it easier for the patient to make the correct choice. 

The patient should seek an experienced cosmetic surgeon with a proven record of developing excellent otoplasty outcomes. Many surgeons may be specialists in a specific procedure, but not have practical experience in facial surgeries. Such surgeons are likely not the right choice for a patient seeking ear surgery.

Patients should work with a surgeon who has training in the management of surgical complications. While the chances of the development of such complications are low, working with a surgeon with expertise in this area will reduce the risks even further.

On the other hand, the patient should evaluate whether the surgeon in consideration has a proven record. Prospective patients are entitled to receive all relevant details from each state medical board. 



Ideally, the patient should choose a surgeon with specialized training in plastic surgery, likely an ABPS board-certified surgeon. However, it is also vital to understand whether the surgeon has requisite hands-on experience in the area.

In case the patient seeks a specific type of otoplasty technique or desires additional facial procedures, they should identify a surgeon with experience in these specific procedures. 


Bedside Manner

Working with an approachable surgeon who makes the patient feel comfortable will likely offer them higher satisfaction levels with the final outcomes. 

Patients should seek a surgeon who is willing to devote time to them, respond to their questions in a detailed manner, and develop a customized surgical plan. At the same time, they should try to avoid a surgeon who pressures them to undergo more treatment than they actually need or want. 


Desirable Attributes of an Ear Surgeon



Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for otoplasty.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

What should you expect during ear surgery recovery? | HoustonThe recovery process signifies a vital part of any surgical process, including ear reshaping plastic surgery (otoplasty). During the recovery period, the patient should undertake all precautions to enjoy a safe and predictable healing process. 

The surgeon will offer the patient information on the approximate downtime, post-op care, maintenance of surgical drains, and usual post-surgical symptoms, and indications of possible complications. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides otoplasty to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Initial Post-Operative Stage

Following otoplasty surgery, the patient will have dressing wrapped around their ears. After the surgeon evaluates the incision sites, they will replace this bulky bandage with a lighter dressing. The patient should ensure that the dressing stays in place unless instructed otherwise by the plastic surgeon.

The patient will typically be able to go back home from the surgical facility on the same day. However, they should ask a responsible person to drive them back home after their otoplasty procedure. 

The surgeon may prescribe mild pain drugs to allow the patient to remain comfortable for the initial few days after their ear surgery.


Recovery Duration

Ideally, the patient should ask someone to offer them assistance at home, for at least the initial 24 hours following the cosmetic surgery

In the initial week after the procedure, the patient should get adequate rest but undertake mild walks and light activities within their home to enhance the blood flow to the incision sites.

In order to manage the discomfort, the patient should keep their head in a raised position. They should avoid resting their head on the treated ear to prevent throbbing and pain. The surgeon will inform the patient on the time of the bandage removal and may prescribe an antibiotic cream for the incision areas. 

In nearly one week after the ear reshaping surgery, the patient will need to visit the surgeon’s office for removal of drains and sutures. The process of recovery will differ between patients. However, most patients can return to their normal routine in around one week. 

The final results of the procedure will begin to become apparent in around two weeks. But minor improvements in the ear(s) may continue to happen for up to a year. 


Sustainability of Results

For a specified period before and after otoplasty, patients should refrain from smoking and taking certain drugs, such as blood-thinning medications. This will reduce the risk of slow healing and aid in the recovery process. The outcomes of ear surgery usually sustain for the patient’s entire lifetime, unless there are any incidents that impact the ear size and shape.

It is important for patients to visit the surgeon for their scheduled follow-up appointments and exams in a responsible manner. If they notice any abnormal changes or other symptoms, they should immediately contact their plastic surgeon.


Choose a Balanced Diet 

A balanced diet consists of vital nutrients that offer strength to the immune system and mitigate the risk of infection for a safe recovery process. The patients should consume adequate amounts of lean protein such as eggs, fish, yogurt, and light cheese for faster recovery after their otoplasty procedure. 

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for otoplasty.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

It can be challenging to broach the topic of plastic surgery in a world where we want our children and family to appreciate our natural appearance and feel proud of who we are. 

This discussion involves a tricky balance, especially when a family member is trying to explain their decision to undergo cosmetic surgery in order to alter their physical looks in certain ways. 

Plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak concurs that it is indeed a delicate matter. She agrees that it a tough concept to discuss with someone, particularly close friends and family, about undergoing surgery to alter one’s appearance. Dr. Hustak informed that her father-in-law is a psychologist and she has had a discussion with him on this topic as well. 

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


The Age of Your Child/Children Matter

When a parent makes the choice to undergo some type of cosmetic surgery, it is time to let their children get used to the idea that mom or dad will appear different soon. According to Dr. Hustak, the key is to take into consideration the age of the children. 

It can be tempting to hide surgical plans, but communication between children and parents about this issue is crucial. 

Patients should explain plans in a manner that is appropriate for the maturity level and age of each child. Younger children require fewer details while older children can make sense of a more open discussion about cosmetic surgery. 

Dr. Hustak advises patients to consider the age of the party receiving the information. She further states that the discussion on plastic surgery with a five-year-old will be much different than a 13-year-old, an 18-year-old, and a 30-year-old. Therefore, according to Dr. Hustak, taking age into consideration helps. 


Another Approach: Comparing Surgery to Other Changes

Exploring the field of plastic surgery and sharing some details openly with children can enable parents to prepare them for the process and the results. 

Dr. Hustak further says that explaining to kids how mom’s body changed after giving birth and what the specific procedure can do to fix her muscles can be significantly beneficial. She feels that highlighting the functional benefits may also make it easier to understand the procedure across all age groups. 


Consider a Short ‘Vacation’ away from Really Young Kids

Many young children tend to feel scared to see their mom coming home with bruises and bandages, or get concerned upon hearing that their mom is undergoing a change. Therefore, young kids do not need to know the intricate details of the surgery. 

It may be a good idea to schedule the procedure while they are away at a friend’s or grandparent’s house, or at camp. Alternatively, the patient can consider recovering at a friend or loved one’s place. 

In case children will be around as the patient recovers, they should let the kids know in advance that they are undergoing a procedure. 

The patient may choose to not explain the exact nature of the procedure to them, but should at least prepare them to expect certain changes. It is important to reassure small children that despite the bruises and bandages, mom or dad will be alright. 

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for plastic and reconstructive surgery. 

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Ear Plastic Surgery Procedure Steps | Houston, TexasOtoplasty, also called ear pinning, is a cosmetic surgery procedure to reshape the ears to develop a more attractive and balanced facial appearance. 

The surgeon may use multiple surgical techniques to undertake the otoplasty procedure. The steps of the procedure may vary slightly based on the technique used. 

At the time of the pre-op consultation, the surgeon will explain the ear reshaping surgery as well as the steps involved in the procedure to the patient. The patient should unhesitatingly ask the surgeon any questions that they may have about the surgery or the surgeon’s credentials to make an enlightened choice.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides ear reshaping surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities. 



A majority of ear reshaping procedures will be relatively less invasive and necessitate only local anesthesia with sedation for an adult patient. But in the case of children, the surgeon will typically undertake this procedure using general anesthesia. 

An anesthesiologist or a certified nurse anesthetist will administer the general anesthesia as well as oversee the entire procedure to monitor the patient’s response to the anesthetic. Otoplasty surgery usually takes less than two hours to complete. 


Incision and Cartilage Reshaping

The surgeon will begin the ear pinning plastic surgery after anesthesia by making an incision behind the ear. They will make this incision in a discreet manner to make sure that any future scarring remains hidden. The incision will give the surgeon access to the ear cartilage to allow them to reshape it properly.

The surgeon will reshape the cartilage in a precise and delicate manner to enhance the symmetry and proportion of the ears. If the ears are oversized, a large amount of cartilage may be removed. The surgeon will eliminate loose skin through the same incisions.


Ear Repositioning

If the ear is quite protuberant, the surgeon will need to reposition it closer to the sides of the head after cartilage reshaping. This is called ear pinning.

This step will typically involve cartilage sparing and scoring techniques in combination with removing skin from the back of the ear. The surgeon will customize the techniques to achieve the desired shape and position of the ears in a minimally invasive way.


Incision Closure 

Once the reshaping is complete, the surgeon will use absorbable or traditional sutures to close the incisions and then wrap the incision site in bandages temporarily.


Outpatient Procedure

Once the surgery is complete, the patient will be shifted to a recovery area. They may be able to go home in a few hours after the initial effects of the surgery and anesthesia wear off.

The patient should ask a responsible individual to drive them home after the surgery. If the patient is a child, the surgeon may ask them to remain at the hospital overnight for close monitoring.

Ear reshaping surgery may involve further steps if it is a reconstructive procedure to correct a birth defect or repair injuries such as lacerations, burns, or infected and torn piercings.

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for otoplasty.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Ear Surgery Risks And Safety | Houston, TexasOtoplasty, also known as ear reshaping surgery, is a relatively less invasive plastic surgery procedure. But some risks and complications which are inherent to any surgical procedure also apply to ear surgery. 

The choice to undergo otoplasty is a personal one, and the patient should evaluate the potential benefits and risks to make the right decision. 

During the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will inform the patient about the potential risks and safety aspects to enable them to make an enlightened decision. The patient will also have to sign consent forms stating that they have understood the procedure, the alternative treatment options available, and the potential side effects.

If a small child is undergoing the procedure, their parents or guardians will have a vital role in making the decision regarding the procedure. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides ear reshaping surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.

Bleeding (Hematoma)

In rare cases, there may be bleeding in the wounds during otoplasty surgery or during the recovery phase. The surgeon can reduce this risk by cautiously determining any underlying health condition of the patient and making sure that they do not take blood thinners, NSAIDs and specific types of herbal supplements and vitamins for a few days prior to the surgery. 

Blood Clotting

Another rare risk associated with otoplasty is blood clot formation. In case the patient has a history of clot formation, they will be at an increased risk. The surgeon will assess the medical records of the patient to identify such matters. On their part, the patient should volunteer pertinent medical information for their own safety. 


Otoplasty may be undertaken in one or both ears. There is a risk of asymmetry in either case. While both ears are never entirely symmetrical or identical, they should appear natural. 


Similar to any surgical procedure, the risk of infection is inherent to otoplasty. The surgical facility should be sterile and hygienic. After the surgery, the patient should not expose the incision sites to contaminants. The surgeon may prescribe antibiotics for some days to reduce the risk of infection after the cosmetic surgery

Slow Healing

In a few cases, the post-operative healing may be slow, and the wound may heal poorly. Patients who smoke are typically at a higher risk of slow healing. For this reason, the surgeon will ask the patient to avoid smoking for a specified duration before their otoplasty procedure.

Poor Anesthesia Reaction

Ear reshaping surgery may be undertaken on children using general anesthesia. Adults may undergo the procedure with local anesthesia and sedation. Some patients may experience a poor response to anesthesia. An anesthesiologist or a nurse anesthetist should oversee the patient’s reaction during the procedure to identify any concerns in a prompt manner. 

The other risks associated with ear reshaping surgery are numbness, unwanted scarring, skin discoloration, prolonged inflammation, and the possibility of revision surgery. Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for ear reshaping surgery. 

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.