Otoplasty, commonly called ear reshaping plastic surgery, requires some advance preparation prior to scheduling the date of the procedure.
The surgeon will offer detailed guidelines for preparation during the initial consultation. There should be sufficient gap between the initial consultation and the date of the surgery to be able to undertake the preparatory steps.
Sometimes, the surgeon may recommend a few pre-operative tests, which will be scheduled well in advance of the otoplasty. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides ear reshaping surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.
In case the patient is taking any blood thinners, NSAIDs, or herbal supplements and vitamins, they will need to stop taking them for a specified duration before the otoplasty procedure. In case the patient is a child, the preparatory process may include parental or professional counseling to make sure that the child is ready and comfortable to undergo the procedure.
The parents or guardian should also inform the child’s school well ahead of the procedure as the child will have to remain at home for a few days after ear surgery and is likely to miss a few days at school. In addition, the surgeon will also showcase otoplasty before and after images to the patient to help them develop realistic expectations.
Smokers will need to discontinue smoking for a minimum of a few days prior to ear reshaping surgery. Stemming from that point, the patient may also need to make advance arrangements for aftercare for the initial few days of the recovery phase, if required.
If the ear reshaping plastic surgery is planned to be performed with general anesthesia, the surgeon will direct the patient to avoid eating or drinking anything for eight hours before the procedure.
Working professionals should apply for a leave of around one week from the workplace. The patient should also enlist someone responsible to drive them back home from the surgical facility.
Arranging for items such as pain drugs, ice packs, gauze bandage, and extra pillows at home in advance of the procedure can make the immediate post-operative stage more comfortable.
The patient should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to the surgical venue. They should avoid wearing any garments that are restrictive or need to be pulled overhead. Special care should be taken in the case of children to ensure that nothing bends or pulls at the ears following the surgery.
The patient should thoroughly wash their hair on the morning of the surgery. Women may braid or pin their hair, while men may have a hair cut if required. Also, the patient should avoid wearing jewelry, body piercings, contact lenses, or makeup to the surgery center. Patients who are diabetic should get their vital parameters assessed on the morning of their otoplasty procedure.
Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for otoplasty.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.
Thigh lift cosmetic surgery involves a considerable recovery process. If the patient follows the post-operative guidelines of the plastic surgeon, attends follow-up appointments, and ensures that the incisions are not exposed to contaminants, it can significantly expedite the thigh lift recovery process.
Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides thigh lift to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.
After the thigh lift plastic surgery is complete, the surgeon will wrap the incisions in bandages, and the patient will likely have temporary drain tubes to prevent the accumulation of fluid. The plastic surgeon will direct the patient to wear a compression garment for the initial few days to hold the incisions in position.
Initially, the patient will not be allowed to sit to avoid strain on the incisions. After the effect of the anesthesia wears off, the patient will be given prescription pain medication to ease any discomfort.
When the patient is able to walk around in a comfortable manner, they will be permitted to leave the surgical facility with a responsible driver.
In the initial one to two days, the patient will need assistance with routine daily tasks as going to the bathroom or cooking.
Ice therapy should also be applied to the thighs during this stage to improve the inflammation. The patient should rest the body in such a manner that the thigh tissue is not stretched. Patients usually use extra pillows to take the strain off the legs.
The patient may cautiously shower after eliminating the compression garment and bandages two days after a thigh lift. In the initial week, they should remain at home, but undertake gentle walks and light activities within the premises to maintain the blood supply in the incision areas.
The surgeon may remove drains and sutures if the incisions have healed adequately at the end of the first week.
Many patients may be able to resume work in the second week if they can cautiously sit on their thighs with the help of pillows. At this stage, the scarring will be more prominent. However, it will progressively subside in the following months. The patient should continue to wear the compression garment all the time, except when bathing.
The surgeon may recommend the patient to discontinue using the compression garment after a month. At this time, the inflammation and bruising would have resolved significantly. If the patient still experiences pain and swelling, it could be an indication of a complication, and they should inform the surgeon promptly.
The patient may be able to resume their routine exercise regimen in around six to eight weeks after receiving clearance from the surgeon.
They may also be able to lift around five pounds at this time. The scars would have faded in around two to three months and may continue improving for several more months.
The recovery process will be completed in around six months to one year. At this time, the patient can enjoy their new, youthful thigh contours. Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for thigh lift.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.
A thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves the removal of excess fat and skin from the inner or outer thighs, or both, to improve thigh contours.
This procedure should only be performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. It is suitable for patients who are unable to eliminate excess tissue in their upper thighs with diet or exercise alone.
The surgeon may sometimes recommend combining liposuction with thigh re-contouring to develop more youthful thigh contours.
To enjoy the new shape of the thighs for a long time, the patient should be committed to maintaining a balanced diet and active lifestyle. East fast food all the time and not ever working out is not an ideal lifestyle to retain that coveted shape, for instance.
Many people have an exercise machine right in front of their TV so they can watch a movie or a sporting event while they keep the calories at bay.
Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides thigh lift to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.
The following individuals usually make suitable candidates for thigh lift surgery:
Inner (Medial) Thigh Lift
The cosmetic surgeon will place an incision in the groin area after administering anesthesia to the patient. Excess fat and skin along the inner aspect of the thigh will be removed via the incision. Liposuction may be added to the procedure, depending on the patient’s condition of fatty pockets.
The surgeon will re-contour the area from the groin to the knee as well as repeat the same steps for the outer thigh. In a few cases, thighplasty may be undertaken, which involves a more substantive removal of a wedge of tissue.
This procedure is typically more intricate, and often involves re-contouring of the buttocks along with the outer thighs. It involves the removal of more tissue.
The patient will need to manage their post-treatment weight as the skin will become less elastic following the plastic surgery. The scarring will also be slightly more noticeable.
In the case of a medial thigh lift, the incisions will be made in the groin area. However, if the patient requires a substantial removal of sagging skin, the surgeon may place a longitudinal incision along the inner thigh.
For a lateral thigh lift, the incision will extend from the groin, around the hip, and likely also include a buttock fold incision. A qualified surgeon will make discreet incisions to ensure that any future scars can be hidden with clothing.
The new, smooth, and youthful thigh contours will be noticeable immediately. However, the patient will undergo a few days of bruising, inflammation, and soreness in the incision sites. In the initial month, the patient may need to wear a compression garment to optimize the new contours.
Inflammation will slowly resolve over three to five weeks. A majority of patients can resume their routine in around one week to ten days. However, they should avoid vigorous activities for about six weeks.
Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for thigh lift.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.
When a person is considering a plastic surgery procedure such as ear reshaping surgery (otoplasty), they should initially focus on understanding the ear surgery procedure to make a judicious decision.
During the pre-operative consultation, the patient should unhesitatingly ask questions and clear their doubts or concerns. Ideally, they should prepare a list of questions that they want to ask and take this list to the surgeon’s office.
A committed surgeon will answer all the patient’s questions in an in-depth manner as well as explain the benefits and limitations of the surgery in easy-to-understand language.
Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides ear reshaping surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.
What preparation is necessary from my end for ear reshaping surgery?
The surgeon will provide the patient with thorough preparatory guidelines after establishing them as a candidate for otoplasty. The patient will have to follow some simple do’s and don’ts, such as discontinuing smoking for a specified period and avoiding certain drugs for a few days.
How noticeable will be the scarring after ear surgery?
The surgeon will place the incisions in discreet locations, such as the back of the ear where it attaches to the head, or inside the ear’s inner folds.
This will create minimal noticeable scarring. However, the level of scarring can differ between patients based on the extent of the cosmetic surgery involved.
How will the ear reshaping procedure be performed?
In case the patient is a child, the ear cartilage will be soft. Therefore, the surgeon may use splints to develop the new ear shape. An adult’s cartilage, on the other hand, is hard. For this reason, the otoplasty procedure may involve the removal or repositioning of the cartilage after placing a tiny incision in the ear.
What can I expect on the day of the surgery?
In general, otoplasty will be undertaken as an outpatient procedure. The patient should ask someone responsible to drive them back home after the surgery.
The procedure typically takes one to two hours to complete. Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for ear reshaping surgery.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.
If the patient focuses on health and fitness and planning for thigh lift cosmetic surgery and recovery in the weeks ahead of the procedure, it can maximize their chances for excellent results.
The surgeon will offer suggestions and guidelines for preparation during the pre-operative consultation process.
A thigh lift is a major procedure, and the patient should follow the surgeon’s instructions in a dedicated manner and prepare well for the procedure. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides thigh lift to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.
The patient should make advance preparation for recovery, including buying supplies such as gauze and bandages, and compression garments. The surgical clinic may not provide you with everything you need. You should be prepared for any eventualities as well. There is nothing wrong with contingency planning.
Fill prescriptions for antibiotics, painkillers, anticoagulants, and any other medications that they may require to undergo and recover from the plastic surgery procedure.
It will be more challenging to arrange for drugs after the procedure, and no patient would want to wait for painkillers when they are feeling uncomfortable. In case the surgeon offers drugs at the office as a component of the surgical package, this step will not be necessary.
The patient should thoroughly understand the post-operative care guidelines from the surgeon or nurses. They should have clarity on all elements of these guidelines before they receive the thigh lift.
For a minimum of eight hours before the surgery, the patient should not eat or drink anything. In addition, they should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing which can conveniently be worn and removed. Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for thigh lift.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.
A thigh lift is a relatively safe lower body contouring cosmetic surgery procedure, and most complications that occur can be easily addressed. But similar to any surgical procedure, the thigh lift also has certain associated risks.
The surgeon should discuss the possibility of complications as well as any negative facets of this surgery with the patient ahead of their thigh lift to enable them to make an enlightened decision. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides thigh lift to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.
Thigh lift surgery risks may include:
Thigh lifts will cause scars. But thigh lift scars are typically located in a relatively discreet location. Thigh lift scars can easily be hidden by underwear or bathing suits in many cases.
Sometimes the incisions from thigh lift plastic surgery may reopen in the initial few weeks after the procedure. This may be alarming, but it is a relatively commonly occurring complication. The cosmetic surgeon should be able to clean and seal the incisions in their office.
There may be an accumulation of blood and fluid in the incision areas, worsening swelling, and increasing the risk of infection development. The placement of drains in the incisions should prevent this occurrence. But if seroma develops, the surgeon can undertake a simple procedure to drain the fluid out of the tissue.
Tiny blood clots can develop after surgery, causing hard spots near the incisions. These usually dissolve by themselves. However, the cosmetic surgeon can evaluate them to assess if they need treatment.
Deep Vein Thrombosis
In rare cases, the patient may develop a substantial blood clot in the leg. This clot may move to the brain, heart, or lungs, causing potentially fatal harm.
Any procedure necessitating incisions carries some inherent risk of infection. In case the surgical supplies are not entirely sterile or the patient does not properly sanitize the incisions when changing their bandages, emptying their drains, or bathing, their tissue may become infected. Most plastic surgeons prescribe prophylactic antibiotics to mitigate this risk.
Some amount of bleeding is normal after thigh lift surgery. However, excessive, prolonged bleeding could pose a risk to the patient’s general health. Anticoagulant medications can increase the risk of excessive bleeding, as can ibuprofen and aspirin.
When modifying the thigh tissue, the surgeon may cut off the blood and nutrient supply to the fat cells, killing them. These dead cells can develop skin aberrations and may lead to discomfort.
Continued Sagging
The removal of excess fat, skin, and tissue usually resolves the sagginess in the thighs, but it may not always be the case. In this case, the patient will have less thigh tissue. However, it will still be sagging. To resolve this issue, the patient may require revision surgery or alternative treatments.
The cosmetic surgeon will ensure that the thighs are even, proportional, and symmetrical. But unforeseen medical issues or poor planning may cause the thighs to appear asymmetrical after the procedure. While a slight amount of asymmetry is expected, drastically asymmetrical thighs may necessitate revision thighplasty.
Sensation Loss
It is common to experience mild temporary sensation loss in the thighs after a thigh lift. However, prolonged loss of sensitivity is uncommon. While some patients who experience this complication slowly regain sensation, others never do.
Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for thigh lift.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.
Otoplasty, or ear reshaping plastic surgery, may be an effective solution for such people to alter the shape and size of their ears.
Individuals who are interested in otoplasty, or ear pinning, should acquire a clear comprehension of all pertinent facets of this procedure at the time of the pre-operative consultation session. Patients with detailed insights into otoplasty are in a better position to understand whether this procedure is appropriate for them or not.
Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides otoplasty to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.
It is a good idea for patients to conduct online research about ear reshaping surgery as well as identify an experienced and skilled surgeon. The patient will have a pre-operative consultation with the surgeon, which is an important element of the otoplasty cosmetic surgery process.
The surgeon will evaluate the patient’s ear and educate them on the various techniques available to rectify them. This consultation will help determine whether otoplasty surgery is suitable for the patient or not.
In case the surgeon finds the patient to be a suitable candidate for ear surgery, they will discuss the process in detail with them. The surgeon will explain various facets of the procedure to the patient, such as anesthesia and the estimated costs of the surgery.
At the time of the pre-op consultation, the prospective patient should acquire information on the benefits of otoplasty along with insights on the risks and complications that this procedure involves.
In the weeks ahead of the ear reshaping procedure, the parents or guardians of the children undergoing the otoplasty should understand how the child feels about the surgical procedure.
The child should be given clear and transparent information on all facets of the surgery in easy-to-understand language to develop reasonable expectations from the results of the procedure.
The surgeon will assess the patient’s health records and make any necessary changes to their current drug schedule in discussion with the prescribing doctor. They will also evaluate the patient’s age, facial profile, skin type, and degree of skin laxity to establish their candidacy for the procedure.
The surgeon will try to understand the patient’s reasons for undergoing otoplasty during the consultation process. Additionally, they will try to assess the aspects of the patient’s ear that are unappealing to them. The surgeon will then use these inputs acquired during the consultation process to design an individualized ear surgery plan for the patient.
The surgeon will offer the patient information on various facets of the ear reshaping surgery during the pre-operative consultation. The patient should unhesitatingly ask questions or express doubts on the surgery at the time of the initial consultation.
The surgeon will try to address all questions and concerns of the patient in a detailed and transparent manner. Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for ear reshaping surgery.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.
Many people are displeased with the shape or size of their ears right from childhood. Others may feel that their ears are excessively protuberant, droop too low.
Children may experience teasing at school while adults may go to great lengths to conceal their imperfect ears with their hair or by wearing hats.
Thankfully, ear reshaping plastic surgery (otoplasty), is an effective and readily available solution to alter the ears surgically. This corrective procedure is quite popular among adults as well as children.
People considering ear pinning surgery should consult a well-qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who will establish their candidacy for this procedure. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides otoplasty to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.
Ears are a prominent part of the body. At times, long hair can hide them, but that is a temporary solution. They are so noticeable that people routinely wear jewelry on them. Therefore, when a person feels uncomfortable with the shape of their ears, it can sometimes cause unbearable embarrassment and self-consciousness.
For this reason, otoplasty is such a sought-after procedure for so many individuals. Children can experience constant teasing from peers due to their ear shape.
At the same time, adults may feel self-conscious about their ears. People who have experienced trauma to their ears may also seek a restorative solution in the form of ear reshaping surgery.
On the other hand, some children have congenital ear defects. Such children may be ideal candidates for reconstructive ear surgery. The following information can help a person decide whether they or their child fall into the category of likely ear surgery candidates:
Traditional otoplasty or ear pinning is a plastic surgery procedure where oversized or protuberant ears are “pinned” back towards the patient’s head creating a more natural appearance that the patient usually feels is more appealing and normal.
Reconstructive otoplasty helps address severe ear defects that may be present since birth or may develop due to external trauma. Reconstructive otoplasty can help correct the following defects:
Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for ear reshaping surgery.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.
The accumulation of excess skin, fat cells, and cellulite on the thighs can make a person appear heavier, older, and less fit than they really are. A thigh lift surgery is an effective procedure to accomplish firmer, more attractive thighs.
In case of a cosmetic surgery procedure such as a thigh lift, only the patient should make the decision to proceed with the procedure. However, the patient should decide on going ahead with the procedure after careful consideration and clarifying all doubts and concerns that they may have.
Patients who have an understanding of the procedure will usually attain higher satisfaction levels with surgical outcomes. A dedicated surgeon will address any questions that the patient may have in a correct and detailed manner.
Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides thigh lift to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.
If the patient does not clearly understand the surgeon’s answers, they should request them for further clarity prior to going ahead with the thigh lift surgery.
Additionally, the patient should also ask to see previous patient testimonials to understand from the experience of past patients who have received body contouring procedures from the plastic surgeon.
Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for thigh lift surgery.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.
Thigh lift cosmetic surgery is especially effective for individuals who struggle with loose, excess skin due to major weight loss. A thigh lift, or thighplasty, involves the removal of excess tissue, fat, and skin to tone and contour the thighs.
At the time of the initial consultation process, the surgeon will assess the patient as a candidate for thigh lift surgery and answer any questions that they may have.
The primary goal of the surgeon will be to assist the patient in making a judicious choice. The patient should interact closely with the surgeon during the consultation process and unhesitatingly express doubts or concerns.
Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides thigh lift to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.
During the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will first understand the patient’s reasons for seeking thighplasty as well as the specific areas of their thighs that they are unhappy about.
In case the patient has any underlying medical conditions, they should inform the surgeon about these during this consultation. Upon attaining the necessary information, the surgeon can make suitable recommendations to the patient regarding their thigh lift surgery.
The surgeon will try to attain clarity on the patient’s aesthetic goals to create an individualized lower body sculpting plan that includes these inputs. This enables them to accomplish the patient’s desired results in a precise and less invasive manner.
In addition, the surgeon will evaluate the patient’s age, weight, lower body proportions, thigh fatty pockets, skin type, level of skin laxity in the inner and outer thighs, and the overall body structure. This assessment will help them determine a suitable thigh lift surgical technique or a combination of body lift procedures.
Ideally, the patient should arrange for their previous medical records from their doctor or specialist to be sent directly to the surgeon’s office prior to their initial consultation. The patient should be forthright in disclosing any current underlying health conditions, known allergies, or autoimmune diseases to their cosmetic surgeon.
This will allow the surgeon to tailor the thighplasty procedure to reduce the risks for the patient.
The patient should make a list of all prescription and non-prescription medications, including vitamins and herbal supplements that they are presently taking. They should take this list with them to the consultation and show it to the surgeon.
In case the patient is a smoker, they should reveal this to their surgeon. The surgeon may alter their medication schedule and provide the patient with guidelines to discontinue smoking for a specified duration for safe plastic surgery outcomes.
During the pre-operative consultation, the patient will have an opportunity to ask questions related to the thighplasty and the surgeon’s background.
They should freely ask questions and only make a decision after they are fully satisfied with the surgeon’s answers. A responsible surgeon will offer the patient accurate and in-depth answers to their questions.
The patient may request the surgeon to show them thighplasty before and after images as well as testimonials of past patients. This enables them to develop reasonable expectation from the thigh lift surgery and understand more about the procedure from the point-of-view of other patients.
Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for thigh lift surgery.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.