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Preparing For Breast Reconstruction | Houston, TexasBreast reconstructive plastic surgery is a significant procedure and one that involves an extensive treatment and recovery process.

The patient should be willing to commit the necessary time for this procedure. The surgeon will offer the patient detailed preparation instructions for the reconstruction surgery.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reconstruction patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.


Breast Reconstruction Surgery Preparation

The patient will need to follow the below mentioned preparatory steps before the breast reconstruction procedure:


At-Home Preparation

If the patient makes some advance preparations before the breast reconstruction surgery, she can transition seamlessly from the surgical venue to her home. These preparatory steps include:


Loose Clothing

The patient may be unable to wear a top that pulls over her head for a few days after the breast reconstruction procedure. Therefore, it is a good idea to arrange for some loose front-open sweatshirts and shirts ahead of the surgery. Sweatshirts with internal pockets can be helpful for the storage of drain tubes.


Other Suggestions

Prior to the surgery, the patient should place some extra blankets and pillows on her bed. In addition, she may set-up a recovery station by her bedside on a nightstand with vital items such as remotes, mobile phone, a medicine box, and a handheld mirror.

She should also range for some measuring cups in the bathroom for drain pipe evacuation as recommended by the surgeon. On top of this, the patient should arrange for aftercare depending on her particular needs to enjoy a stress-free and relaxed recovery phase.


Aftercare and Transportation

Breast reconstruction surgeries are usually performed on an outpatient basis. For this reason, the patient should ask someone responsible to drive her back after the surgery. In case the patient has small children at home, it’s sagacious to arrange for someone to take care of them for a few days.

Certainly it’s wise to have a close friend or relative know about this so if you need help afterward they are not hard to reach or taken by surprise.

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast reconstruction.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Breast Reconstruction Risks And Safety | Houston, TexasBreast reconstruction plastic surgery is a complex procedure which involves certain risks, similar to any other surgical procedure. The surgeon will explain the potential risks related to the procedure to the patient to allow her to make an enlightened choice during the pre-op consultation process.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reconstruction patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Short-Term Risks

Poor Reaction to Anesthesia

The surgeon will typically undertake breast reconstruction plastic surgery with the patient under general anesthesia.

Patients with circulation, heart, or nervous system related pre-existing health conditions are at a greater risk for the development of complications.

The patient should freely discuss her complete medical history with the surgeon so that appropriate decisions can be made. Patients usually experience side effects such as nausea, dizziness, and blurred vision upon gaining consciousness.


There is an inherent risk of infection in every surgery, including breast reconstruction surgery. The surgeon will prescribe antibiotic medications for infection prevention or treatment. In case there is a persistent infection after the reconstruction procedure, the patient should promptly reach out to her surgeon.

Excessive redness or color changes around the breast incision, discharge of fluid or pus from the area of the surgery, or a high fever are some signs of infection following this surgery. The risk of infection can be reduced by maintaining a sterile environment.


The patient may experience an increased risk of bleeding during or after the reconstruction procedure if she is presently taking blood thinners or other medications that can affect blood clotting or she has a history of bleeding.

The surgeon will ask the patient to not use certain drugs for at least two weeks prior to the surgery to reduce the risk. In case the patient experiences excessive bleeding during the recovery period, she should contact the surgeon promptly.


Long-Term Risks

Following breast reconstruction surgery using implants, the patient may experience complications due to capsular contracture, deflation, leakage, or damage to the implant at any stage. The complications associated with the flap technique involve a longer recovery phase and blood clotting.

Patients should assess their options carefully and identify the most appropriate surgical technique for them in consultation with their breast surgeon. At times, patients may experience vascular complications in the long-term, including:



Depending on the breast reconstruction technique used, the scarring will differ. Patients undergoing flap reconstruction will experience more scarring than an implant reconstruction procedure due to the fact that both these techniques involve distinct incision areas.

The flap reconstruction technique may involve the development of scars in donor areas such as the back, navel, buttocks, abdomen, or another area along the nipples and breasts. However, an experienced surgeon will place the incisions such that the scarring is as inconspicuous as possible.

A majority of patients find that the benefits of breast reconstruction outweigh certain side-effects such as scarring. Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast reconstruction.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Breast Reconstruction Options | Houston, TexasBreast reconstruction plastic surgery can help a woman restore the size, shape, and appearance of her breast(s) following a mastectomy.

Women considering breast reconstructive surgery should consult their surgeon to establish their candidacy. After the surgeon approves, the next step would be to consult a skilled and experienced breast reconstruction surgeon.

Holding these consultations before the mastectomy will enable the surgeon to devise the most appropriate surgical plan for the patient. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reconstruction patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.


Benefits of Breast Reconstruction

There are various benefits of breast reconstruction surgery, such as:


Breast Reconstruction Options

Today various types of breast reconstructive procedures are available to patients. However, these techniques warrant multiple procedures over several months.

The patient should be able to dedicate the necessary time to have a safe and effective surgery. A candidate should thoroughly understand every facet of the procedure from the surgeon to make an enlightened decision.

Breast reconstruction surgery is undertaken using two primary surgical techniques:

In a majority of cases, either one of these techniques is used. However, sometimes the surgeon may choose to perform a combination of the two techniques for more appealing breast reconstruction outcomes.

In addition, the surgeon may perform fat grafting to develop the appearance of the remodeled breasts close to natural breasts. They may also reconstruct the nipple or areola to complete the appearance of a breast. But the nipple-areola complex will not have any sensation.


Implant Breast Reconstruction

The surgeon will perform the implant reconstruction technique in multiple stages. Initially, the surgeon will place a balloon expander beneath the chest muscle to expand this region.

It can take many months for this area to expand sufficiently to hold a breast implant. Subsequently, the reconstructive surgery will be performed using an implant of a suitable shape and size.


Flap Breast Reconstruction

At the outset of this process, the surgeon will remove excess tissue from donor sites such as the buttocks, back, or abdomen which will then be purified prior to being grafted in the chest region.

This tissue will be used to develop the chest mound. In some cases, the surgeon may also insert an implant at the same time.

More incisions may be necessary for the flap method, which leads to slightly more scarring as well as a more extended recovery period. However, the results of the flap method can be more natural looking and sustainable in comparison to the implant method.


Reconstruction after Lumpectomy or Partial Mastectomy

It is usually not necessary for women who undergo lumpectomy or partial mastectomy to go for breast reconstruction.

However, at times, the patient may have to live with deformed breasts until they undergo a reconstructive procedure to restore the breast appearance. The surgeon can place smaller implants or perform fat grafting, depending on the needs of the patient.

The patient should discuss the benefits, limitations, risks, and suitability of the breast reconstruction surgery with her surgeon before deciding to undergo the procedure.


A Critical Decision

Similar to any other surgical procedure, breast reconstruction also carries its own risks. The most essential factor in undergoing a safe procedure is making a judicious choice for who the surgeon will be.

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast reconstruction.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Questions to Ask Your Breast Reconstruction Plastic Surgeon | HoustonGoing ahead with breast reconstruction plastic surgery is a life-changing decision. The patient should decide to proceed with this procedure only after considering all facets of the surgery and clarifying all her concerns from the surgeon.

During the pre-operative consultation, the patient will have an opportunity to ask all the questions from the surgeon. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reconstruction patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


List of Questions

The patient should ideally enlist any questions that she may have about the procedure or the surgeon’s background beforehand to ensure that no important questions are missed out. The surgeon will offer the patient accurate and in-depth answers to the questions to enable her to make an informed choice.


Question about the Technique

The patient should understand the surgeon’s recommendations for the breast reconstruction technique. Breast implants, as well as flap reconstruction, have specific advantages and limitations. In case the patient is not clear on the techniques, they should ask questions and get clarity from the breast surgeon.


Question about Tissue Expander

If the patient does not have sufficient skin in the breast area to offer support to the implant, the surgeon may recommend a tissue expander technique to support the implant. The patient should understand if a tissue expander will be necessary or not in her case, and determine her comfort level with the surgeon’s recommended plan.


Thinking Ahead

The patient should arrive at a final decision only after she is fully satisfied with the surgeon’s responses to her questions. She may make a list of the questions beforehand and carry this list to the pre-operative consultation with the surgeon. This will ensure that no vital questions are missed out.

The surgeon may say some things that are surprising which can cause you to lose focus. This is why it’s just astute to have the main questions written down so no matter which direction the conversation goes you will always know what questions you need to propose during this crucial meeting.

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast reconstruction.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

What to expect from a consultation for breast reconstruction | HoustonIt can be life-changing to decide to undergo breast reconstruction plastic surgery after a mastectomy. For this reason, the patient should proceed carefully and review all aspects of this procedure before deciding to go ahead with it.

The pre-op consultation is an important element of the breast reconstruction process as it offers the patient a comprehensive understanding of the surgery and the multiple stages that it involves over several months.


Explaining the Process to the Patient

During the consultation process, the patient will receive in-depth information on the procedure. The surgeon will create an individualized surgical plan for the patient based on the insights they gather during the pre-operative consultation.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reconstruction to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.


Ideal Candidates

A patient may undergo a single or double mastectomy which results in the removal of her breast(s). Breast reconstruction plastic surgery may be a suitable procedure for such patients to restore the appearance of the breasts.

The surgeon will elaborate on the physical and emotional benefits that the patient will acquire from this procedure. However, breast reconstruction surgery is not ideal for every patient.

The surgeon will establish whether the patient is presently cancer-free. They will evaluate the patient’s lifestyle behaviors pertaining to smoking and understand if she is committed to devoting significant time and energy to the lengthy process of breast reconstruction.

The surgeon will also review the patient’s health records to understand whether she has any medical conditions that may increase the risks associated with the surgery. In addition, the surgeon will assess how the patient coped with her cancer diagnosis and treatment.


Developing Expectations

The surgeon will help the patient develop realistic expectations from the procedure by discussing its benefits and limitations. They may also show her breast reconstruction before and after pictures to help her develop reasonable expectations from the procedure.

Doing so may help the patient understand that breast reconstruction surgeries differ on the basis of the patient’s unique anatomy and situation.

Every patient’s cancer experience is different. Also, their aesthetic and physical needs may vary as well. Good breast reconstruction candidates have reasonable expectations, defined goals, and a positive frame-of-mind about the reconstructive process.


Surgical Planning

Depending on the needs of the patient, the breast reconstruction procedure can be undertaken in various ways. Some patients may decide to undergo mastectomy and breast reconstruction simultaneously while others may decide to wait for some time after their mastectomy procedure.

The surgeon will recommend appropriate treatment options to the patient on the basis of her tissue quality, body type, and overall medical condition.

The two primary breast reconstruction surgery techniques are implant and flap reconstruction. Both of these techniques involve different surgical approaches. The surgeon will explain both these techniques to the patient as well as help her make an informed decision.


Other Factors

In addition, the surgeon will also inform the patient of all potential risks associated with the procedure at the time of the pre-operative consultation. They will offer the patient details on the anesthesia type to be used, the time taken to complete the surgery, and approximate costs of the procedure.

A majority of patients are eligible to receive insurance coverage for breast reconstruction surgery under their health plans. In case the patient’s insurance provider does not offer complete coverage, they can ask for information on financing avenues from the surgeon’s staff.

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast reconstruction.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Who is a good candidate for breast reconstruction? | Houston, TexasBreast reconstruction plastic surgery is a significant procedure, and the patient should make a judicious decision.

The reconstruction process may involve a number of procedures over several months. For this reason, a patient should assess all options to establish which one is most appropriate for her.

The surgeon will offer in-depth information to the patient to guide them towards making a well-considered choice. They will also establish her as a candidate for breast reconstruction surgery.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reconstruction to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Good Candidates

A good candidate for breast reconstructions surgery is a woman who has had one or both breasts removed due to cancer and seeking to restore the appearance of her breasts. The patient can undergo the reconstruction process during her mastectomy or at a later date.

It is important for the patient to have reasonable expectations from this procedure. She must understand that reconstruction cannot create breasts that look and feel similar to natural breasts. Despite this, breast reconstruction can provide the patient with significant emotional and physical benefits in the long-term.

But not every woman who has undergone a mastectomy is a suitable candidate for a breast reconstruction procedure. A decent candidate for this procedure is a woman who:

Patients with diabetes or heart disease can experience a higher level of risk during breast reconstruction surgery. Such patients can also be more susceptible to post-operative complications.


Implant and Flap Reconstruction Candidates

Patients who are considering reconstructive procedures such as gluteal, latissimus, DIEP flap, or dorsi techniques should be free of additional medical issues that can affect their surgery.

These techniques involve sourcing tissue from various parts of the body to create the new breast and are more invasive in comparison to the implant method of breast reconstruction.

The flap technique is often recommended to patients who require the reconstruction of only one breast, or unilateral breast reconstruction. The benefit of the flap technique is that it can match the look and feel of the natural breast better.


Bilateral Patients

The implant technique may be more suitable for older candidates as this method is less invasive and involves lesser healing time. Women with insufficient availability of excess tissue also benefit more from this technique. The implant technique provides bilateral patients with more symmetrical results.

Breast reconstruction plastic surgery is only suitable for candidates who are willing to commit significant time and effort in preparing and recovering from this procedure.

Female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast reconstruction.
For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Breast Reconstruction Before And After Photos | Houston, TexasFor women who have undergone breast removal or mastectomy, breast reconstruction plastic surgery may be an ideal solution to restore their breast appearance.

At the time of the initial consultation, the surgeon will show the patient breast reconstruction before and after photos to allow them to understand the potential results of the procedure.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reconstruction to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


What are Breast Reconstruction Before and After Pictures?

Breast reconstruction ‘before and after’ pictures refers to a pair or group of images of previous patients who have undergone the reconstruction procedure with successful results.

These pictures are taken before the surgery and after the procedure when the post-op swelling and bruising have subsided, and the complete results of the procedure are visible.

The surgeon will obtain these pictures with the express consent of the patient and show them to new patients in a discreet and judicious manner. The surgeon will also not reveal the identity of the patient according to standard norms.

The sole purpose of showing these images is to allow the new patient to develop clarity on the potential results of breast reconstruction surgery.



Breast reconstruction is a significant and life-altering surgery for patients, and they are understandably concerned about any procedure which involves artificial reconstruction.

The surgeon can present breast reconstruction ‘before and after’ images to a new patient to offer her reassurance on the outcomes of the surgery and its ability to meet their cosmetic goals.

Some patients may require reconstruction in only one breast while others may need it in both breasts. Sometimes the patient may need only minor reconstruction after a lumpectomy. In each scenario, the patient can make an educated decision after viewing breast reconstruction before and after photos.

The fantastic about modern technology is that clarity has been brought to the forefront in a spectacular manner. Now with Internet technology anyone can see salient pictures without even getting off their couch. Using the device that most people have or even their own desktop or laptop, anyone can see these stellar pictures and then apply them to their own body.

Dr. Hustak’s website has a plethora of images on this topic so anyone can get a quick grasp that she knows this field very well.


Combining Pictures with Text

If the breast reconstruction before and after images are accompanied by descriptive text detailing the reasons for the procedure and how it addressed the patient’s unique needs, it may be even more beneficial for new patients.

Clear, concise, and informative descriptive text encapsulates the previous patient’s journey making it easier for new patients to understand the process. Including such texts in before and after photo galleries can be ideal as patients connect more effectively to pictures while stories enable them to recall the associated details more precisely.


Sharing Your Images

Surgeons can share breast reconstruction before and after images in the following ways to raise awareness about the procedure and educate prospective patients.

A comprehensive ‘before and after’ image gallery can serve to educate patients as well as act as a promotional tool for the plastic surgeon and their practice which is the case here. It is a platform to showcase their skills and expertise while simultaneously informing prospective patients on complex plastic surgeries such as breast reconstruction.

Now a patient, using these images, can know what they are getting into and what to expect in a fundamental way before signing any paperwork. This gives lots of power to the patient regardless on which direction they choose to take.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast reconstruction.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

How much does breast reconstruction cost? | Houston, TexasBreast reconstruction plastic surgery may be an appropriate procedure to restore a breast that has been removed due to a mastectomy. The breast surgeon will provide the patient with details on various aspects of this procedure, including its estimated costs.

Many patients will be able to receive insurance coverage for the breast reconstruction surgery under their medical plan.

The patient should discuss her upcoming surgery beforehand with her insurer. She should also seek information from the surgeon regarding the expenses and the medical documentation that will be needed for the insurance coverage process.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reconstruction to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.


Cost Factors

Breast reconstruction surgery costs can differ between practices and even between two patients at the same practice. The following aspects can influence breast reconstruction surgery costs:

Practice Location

The geographical location of the practice can affect the costs of the procedure. The costs of plastic surgery procedures, including breast reconstruction, may be higher at major urban centers and metropolitan cities due to the higher overhead and real estate costs in these areas.

Surgeon’s Charges

The surgeon will charge fees commensurate with their qualifications, experience, training, and recognition in the area of breast surgery. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, patients should choose the best surgeon possible depending on their needs and circumstances. The surgeon’s fee should only be a secondary consideration in this decision.

Surgical Facility Expenses and Anesthesia

The breast reconstruction plastic surgery may be undertaken at an accredited surgical center or a hospital. An anesthesiologist or a nurse anesthetist will administer the anesthesia. The surgical facility chosen and the skills and experience of the anesthesia provider can impact the overall costs of the procedure.

Type of Technique

Some patients will undergo breast reconstruction surgery with saline or silicone implants while others may require the flap reconstruction techniques.

Both these techniques are sometimes used in combination as well for more complete outcomes. The patient may choose to undergo the reconstructive surgery at the time of the mastectomy or when the healing is complete. All these aspects will impact the total costs of the procedure.


Breast reconstruction surgery costs will be fully or partially borne by the insurer in a majority of cases. The patient should ideally understand this facet in detail with the insurer well in advance of the procedure. In addition, the patient should seek information on the documents they may need to file the insurance claim from the surgeon’s office.

In an ideal scenario, the patient should place the insurance claim before the procedure if they have sufficient time to plan for the breast removal and reconstruction. Patients who do not have insurance coverage may consider seeking financing from medical care finance companies.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast reconstruction.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

What is breast reconstruction? | Houston, TexasBreast reconstruction plastic surgery may be a suitable option for women who have had one or both of their breasts removed as a part of mastectomy, and seek to restore their breast appearance.

This advanced procedure can help enhance the patient’s self-image and boost her sense of femininity. However, breast reconstruction is a significant surgical procedure and one that should only be undertaken by an experienced and highly skilled surgeon.

During the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will establish the patient as a candidate for breast reconstruction surgery and recommend the most effective reconstruction technique. They will also answer any questions that the patient may have to enable her to make an enlightened decision.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reconstruction to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.



A breast reconstruction surgery candidate will typically have the following characteristics:

The surgeon will explain the benefits and limitation of the breast reconstruction plastic surgery procedure to the patient and inform her of the various steps involved to allow her to prepare thoroughly for the procedure.



A patient may undergo breast reconstruction at the time of the mastectomy or wait until after her recovery from the breast removal is complete. The two main techniques to perform breast reconstruction are flap technique and breast implants. The implant technique involves the placement of saline or silicone breast implants beneath the chest muscle.

In the flap reconstruction technique, the surgeon will reconstruct the breast using excess fat, skin, and muscle from other areas in the patient’s body. Depending on the patient’s unique needs, the surgeon will recommend the most appropriate technique to her.


Implant-based Reconstruction

There are a few stages in implant-based reconstruction. Initially, the surgeon places a balloon expander beneath the skin and chest muscle to expand the area.

It may take several weeks or months for the region to stretch sufficiently creating space for the placement of breast implants. After that, the surgeon will perform the reconstruction using saline or silicone implant of suitable shape and size.


Flap Reconstruction

In this procedure, the surgeon will remove excess tissue from donor areas such as the back, buttocks, or abdomen. This tissue will be purified and grafted to the chest area. The surgeon will use this new tissue to create the breast mound. Sometimes an implant may be placed simultaneously.

The flap technique involves additional incisions. This will lead to slightly more scarring and take longer to heal. But the outcomes with this technique may be more natural looking and sustainable in comparison to the implant-based reconstruction technique.



Breast reconstruction surgery usually involves around two weeks of downtime. During this period, the patient should perform gentle walks around the house and undertake light activities at home. However, she should not exercise vigorously or lift heavy objects.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for breast reconstruction.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

How do I choose the best plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty? | HoustonPlastic surgery is not only a means to provide the patients with a new appearance, but it also increases their self-confidence and changes their outlook on life.

For this reason, it is understandable that new patients are typically excited to begin their cosmetic surgery process as soon as they can. However, it is important for patients to assess their options properly before they schedule their surgery.

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is an intricate procedure, which should only be performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon for best results. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides rhinoplasty to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Important Considerations

The patient should ideally create a list of questions before seeking an appropriate plastic surgeon for their rhinoplasty.

Understanding which areas to evaluate can help them select the right surgeon for their specific requirements. Patients will want to choose a surgeon with the right credentials and experience, preferably a plastic surgeon with board certification from the ABPS.

The patient should also consider a surgeon whose fees are affordable to them. They should be comfortable with the surgeon’s overall demeanor and bedside manner. Would the patient like to work with a plastic surgeon who is more affable and makes them feel at ease? Or, someone who is more clinical and has a business-like approach to the surgical process?

Is the patient seeking a nose surgeon who will provide them with guidance on the most suitable rhinoplasty techniques for them or one who offers the same one-size-fits-all nose reshaping technique to all? Evaluating these aspects before a consultation with a surgeon is vital to ensure that the patient makes the right choice.

Apart from listing the questions that the patient wants to ask the surgeon, they should also understand how they would like their surgeon to answer them. This understanding will enable the patient to determine which surgeon may be most suitable to their specific rhinoplasty needs.


Choosing the Right Surgeon-Checklist

In addition to the above, there are other questions that the patient can ask a potential plastic surgeon. At the time of the consultation, the patient should freely ask the surgeon any questions that they may have regarding the surgeon’s background or the rhinoplasty procedure.


Choosing a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

The patient should establish whether the potential plastic surgeon is American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) certified. The ABPS certifies surgeons based on strict criteria, including a certain minimum number of years of training exclusively in the area of plastic surgery.

Do Your Research

Undergoing nose surgery involves a significant time commitment, and healing from the procedure also takes time. While the patient is ready to invest time in the surgical process, they should also set aside adequate time to conduct thorough research on the procedure and surgeon beforehand.

It is important for the patient to be upfront as well as judicious. The decision to undergo nose plastic surgery can be one that is life-changing for the patient, and they should try to get the most from their consultation to ensure that their decision is the correct one.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas for rhinoplasty.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.