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Chemical Peel Recovery TimeRecovery in case of a chemical peel non cosmetic surgery treatment will depend on the strength and type of chemical peel used. The treatment provider will explain to the patient the approximate downtime as well as the symptoms they may experience during the recovery phase.

The provider will also highlight the possible signs of complications, especially for deep peels. This will enable the patient to identify such symptoms and seek prompt medical attention if necessary.

Superficial peels will typically not entail an extended recovery period. However, for medium and deep chemical peels, patients must prepare for downtime as well as recovery. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides chemical peel treatment to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.

Avoiding Sun Exposure

To ensure a safe recovery after any chemical peel procedure, the patient will need to avoid direct or indirect sunlight till the redness in the skin resolves. Even after the redness subsides, the treatment provider may ask the patient to protect their facial skin from sun exposure. The patient should apply an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen and wear wide-brimmed hats wherever possible.

These precautions are even more vital if the patient has received a particular chemical peel treatment that involves phenol. Phenol inhibits the ability of the skin to tan. The patient should also preferably wear high-quality sunglasses when they step out. Certain peels also warrant the avoidance of exposure to chlorinated water for some time.

Initial Recovery Phase

After a deep chemical peel treatment, the provider may cover the skin with a protective cream or petroleum jelly. In some cases, the treatment provider may use dressing on the area as well. Deeper peels may involve some post-treatment discomfort and pain. The patient should reach out for medical advice to review the condition if the swelling, redness, or pain persists or is abnormally high.

Timeframe for Recovery

The time frame for recovery in the case of various types of chemical peels is as follows:

Superficial Peels

A superficial or light peel typically does not involve any downtime. The patient can resume their routine immediately.

Medium to Deep Peels

Deeper chemical peels involve a more extended recovery period. The dermatologist may prescribe ointments if necessary and explain the skin cleansing procedure for the recovery phase. Men will have to delay shaving the face for some days.

The patient should follow the surgeon’s guidelines carefully while recovering. The downtime will be between 4 days to 2 weeks depending on the depth and strength of the chemical peel.

Scab Formation

The formation of scabs over the treatment area may or may not happen with medium and deep chemical peels. This scab formation will depend on the post-procedure treatment routine advised by the surgeon. Between week 2 and week 8, the skin may still appear pink. However, the patient can use makeup to hide the pinkness depending on the surgeon’s recommendations.

Full outcome of the chemical peel treatment will become more noticeable over a few months. Experienced female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas and nearby areas for chemical peel treatment.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Chemical Peel Before And After PhotosChemical peels are a popular non cosmetic surgery procedure to restore the natural glow and radiance to the facial skin by performing a deep cleansing and removal of uppermost layers of dead skin cells.

During the initial consultation, the treatment provider will explain the potential effectiveness of different types of chemical peels.

Some providers may prefer to present chemical peel before and after photographs at the first appointment. This will allow the patient to understand the procedure better and make an informed decision. Judicious board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides chemical peel treatment to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations in this part of the country.

What are Chemical Peel Before and After Images?

Chemical peel ‘before and after’ images refer to a pair or group of pictures pertaining to an earlier patient who has undergone the same treatment with good results. The pictures include images taken before the treatment and after the treatment at a stage when the facial skin has completed healed and full effects of the chemical peel treatment can be seen.

The treatment provider will take the necessary care to obtain the photos with the consent of the patient and present them before new patients in an appropriate manner. The patient’s identity may be kept undisclosed. The sole purpose behind this exercise is to use the photos as a visual aid to educate new patients about different types of chemical peels and help them make the right choice.

In the age of digital technology and competition patients have a lot more power then they use to. Transparency is the key here and patients of Dr. Hustak have the awesome opportunity to make a judgment call before they even make a phone call. But for a chemical peel procedure, as will be mentioned again down below, they will have to schedule an appointment since there is not any before and after pictures on the site for this particular treatment.

No worries, a patient can perhaps see these outstanding pictures during the consultation so everyone is on the same page and a patient knows what they are contemplating. A picture speaks a thousand words right? Right!


When a patient seeks a chemical peel procedure for the first time, they may be unsure about which type of chemical peel to choose. Some patients may require only a mild treatment with a superficial peel, while some others may need more intensive treatment with advanced peels.

In some cases, the provider may recommend chemical peels in conjunction with another treatment to meet the patient’s goals. In each case, the patient can make the best decisions when they have access to chemical peels before and after photos.

Having Reasonable Expectations

While chemical peels are a proven and effective procedure to rejuvenate facial skin, it is important that the patient forms reasonable expectations from the treatment. Patients who clearly understand the potential results and have a realistic perspective will typically have better satisfaction in the end.

Therefore, an experienced provider may provide chemical peel before and after photos for the patient’s review. This will also mitigate the risk of any disappointment occurring for the patient when the treatment is over. Patients should be aware that chemical peel is a non-surgical procedure, and the results cannot be compared to an invasive plastic surgery such as a facelift.  

Patients should carefully weigh their treatment options after evaluating the before and after photos. The provider will encourage them to review as many photos as possible during the pre-op consultation.

Online Image Gallery

The treatment provider has the option to present chemical peels before and after photos on their practice website. The photos can be included in a dedicated Image Gallery section on the site for free access to all but in this case in particular a patient will have to see if they see these types of images during the consultation since they are not currently on the website. It is very easy to set up a consultation, just make a phone call which many people have done and currently are doing. Dr. Hustak’s devotion to her craft is remarkable.  

Dependable female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas and other suburbs and neighborhoods across the landscape for chemical peel treatment.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

How much does a Chemical Peel Cost?Chemical peels are an effective, safe, and proven non cosmetic surgery procedure to revitalize facial skin. During the initial consultation, the provider will discuss various facial rejuvenation alternatives with the patient, and explain the advantages and limitations of different chemical peels.

The treatment provider will also provide a cost estimate to the patient so that they can make a well-informed decision.

Chemical peels are an elective aesthetic procedure. This implies that the patient will have to bear the costs out-of-pocket. Patients should feel free to compare the costs and benefits of chemical peels with other facial rejuvenation treatment options, and then make a judicious choice.

Reliable board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides chemical peels to patients in Houston, Texas and surrounding communities and neighborhoods in this region of America.

Cost Components

The costs associated with chemical peel procedures may vary between two practices or even between two patients at the same practice. In any case, the costs will be significantly lower than a facial plastic surgery procedure. The factors that can impact the cost of a chemical peel treatment are as follows:

Location of the Practice

The location of the practice will impact the cost of the chemical peel procedure. The cost of goods and services in a particular region depend variables such as the average household income, local taxes, and real estate expenses. Busy metropolitan cities and major urban centers usually have higher costs relative to smaller towns. This creates variations in the cost of the same aesthetic procedure such as chemical peels at different geographical locations.

Quality Standards of the Practice

Factors such as best practices and quality standards followed at a particular practice, pre and post-operative care provided, the ingredient quality in the chemical peels, the level of expertise of the provider, the type of individualized care offered as well as other facilities will impact the cost of a chemical peel procedure.

Type of Chemical Peel

There are three primary types of chemical peels: superficial, medium, and deep. Superficial peels will usually be the least costly while deep peels will be the most expensive. Each category contains a wide range of individualized as well as conventional chemical peel alternatives available. The cost of the treatment will depend on the potency of the peel, length of the procedure, and the stages involved in the treatment.

Offers and Packages

At times, a chemical peel manufacturer or treatment provider may offer a special promotional price. This is especially the case when a new type of chemical peel or product is introduced.

Patients can get attractive prices in this period. The practice may also be able to offer a rebate or special package price if the patient wants to combine the chemical peel treatment with another aesthetic procedure or requires multiple treatments.

Financing and Payment Methods

The practice will typically require upfront payment for any aesthetic procedure. However, they may provide the convenience of payment using debit cards, major credit cards, cash or checks. If the payment is large and the patient does not wish to pay the entire amount, they may explore various financing options.

Other than traditional bank loans, competitive third party financing is available through professional healthcare finance firms. Perspicacious female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas and other towns and cities in this majestic section of the state for chemical peel treatment.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

What is a Chemical Peel?Aging, wind, sun exposure, and genetic factors, can lead to facial skin appearing rough, dull, and wrinkled. Chemical peels are a non cosmetic surgery procedure to address these problems and restore dazzling, younger looking skin.

A chemical peel resurfaces the topmost layer of the skin through the peeling action of individualized chemical treatment.

The chemical peel provider will suggest a particular type and strength of the peel dependent on the condition of the patient’s facial skin. Advanced or more potent peels can help to achieve deeper and more sustainable outcomes. Dignified board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides chemical peels to patients in Houston, Texas and other cities and towns in this region of the nation.

When to Choose a Chemical Peel Treatment?

Individuals with the following facial skin issues may consider a chemical peel treatment, if they want to avoid facial plastic surgery:

At the time of initial consultation, the treatment provider will determine the patient’s candidacy for chemical peels. Patients should compare the treatment with other non-surgical aesthetic facial rejuvenation options before making a final choice.

Superficial Peels

If the patient has minor imperfections on their facial skin warranting mild treatment, they may consider superficial or light chemical peels. These chemical peels are effective on all skin types with negligible risk of complications. Superficial peels involve a milder type of glycolic acid. They do not entail any downtime and the healing is rapid.

Medium Peels

Medium chemical peels can be administered as an in-office treatment but will entail some downtime. Medium peels commonly contain TCA as a peeling agent. This will penetrate the skin deeper relative to a superficial peel.

In medium peels, the discomfort and pain are insignificant, but flaking and peeling will happen over the following days to reveal brighter, more youthful skin. The patient may use makeup in around a week as sufficient healing would have happened.

Deep Peels

Deep or advanced chemical peels offer the most robust treatment. The dermatologist will choose the right candidates for this treatment who are considering major skin enhancement in a minimally invasive manner. Deep chemical peels usually contain higher concentrations of TCA. This helps remove the uppermost layer of the skin.

New skin will emerge in around 2 weeks after a deep chemical peel procedure. The patient will have to budget for the downtime of almost 2 weeks away from their workplace and social engagements. In around 3 weeks, the facial redness will start to subside. Over a few months, dramatic improvements will be noticeable as the outcomes establish fully.

Sustainability of Outcomes

The outcomes of deeper chemical peels are long lasting. However, the patient will need to get periodical treatments for superficial peels for prolonged results. Successful female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas and nearby areas in this tremendous part of the southwest for chemical peel treatment.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

How to Choose a Breast Reduction Plastic Surgeon in Houston?How to Choose a Breast Reduction Plastic Surgeon in Houston?

Advancements in surgical techniques over the decades have made cosmetic surgery procedures safer and more effective.

However, the single most important factor that will impact the final outcome is the skill and experience of the operating surgeon. Patients should invest time and effort in choosing the most appropriate surgeon for breast reduction surgery.

The pre-operative consultation is an opportunity for a new patient to interact with the surgeon and learn about their qualifications and accomplishments. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reduction to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities in this amazing state that is called Texas.

Professional Credentials

Dr. Kristi Hustak completed a six year integrated plastic surgery program at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). She currently holds appointments at several Houston hospitals. She is an active clinical faculty member in plastic surgery and trains residents from several local academic medical centers in the Houston area. 

The kind Dr. Hustak also serves as a faculty member in the physician healing track at the University Texas Medical Branch, mentoring medical students. She is an Assistant Program Director for the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) Aesthetic Fellowship that started in 2016. She is also an accomplished author and speaker in the field of plastic surgery.

Compassionate Care

The reliable Dr. Hustak closely understands and appreciates the aesthetic and medical concerns of her patients, and ensures that they are completely comfortable about their sharing their cosmetic needs and goals. She will provide compassionate and personalized care and attention to every patient. Right from the initial consultation to the actual surgery and recovery, she remains personally involved with her patients’ progress.

Combining Science and Art

Breast reduction procedure is not just a surgery to create smaller breasts. Dr. Hustak’s goal is to sculpt the breasts into a desirable shape to make them more proportionate to the rest of the body, while ensuring their symmetry at the same time. The results will enhance the overall physical profile of a woman and appear attractive and natural.

Dr. Hustak will perform the breast reduction surgery conservatively and in conformance to the scientific principles in order to ensure that the final results are healthy, sustainable and help to improve the patient’s self-confidence.

The judicious Dr. Hustak’s skill and experience allows her to focus on maintaining balance, symmetry, form and contour, while applying the principles of science with total precision.

Customizing the Surgery

Dr. Hustak will assess the amount of breast tissue that needs to be removed and whether it is only glandular tissue or fatty tissue as well. Depending on the patient’s breast anatomy and her personal goals, Dr. Hustak will create a customized breast reduction plan. She may recommend liposuction as an additional procedure in a few cases to meet the patient’s goals in a safe and conservative manner.

Minimizing Scars

One of the goals of Dr. Hustak in breast reduction surgery will be to conceal the incisions in natural breast folds or other discreet sites so that subsequent scarring is minimally visible. Successful female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas and other cities and suburbs in this part of the southwest for breast reduction surgery.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Questions to Ask Your Breast Reduction Surgeon

Breast reduction cosmetic surgery will make the breast size more proportionate to the rest of the body, while also relievinQuestions to Ask Your Breast Reduction Surgeong the patient of discomfort in the back or neck that occurs due to oversized breasts.

A woman should focus on choosing a qualified and experienced breast surgeon and ask the right questions during the initial consultation process.

Once the candidate clearly understands the procedure and forms realistic expectations, she is likely to feel more satisfied with the final outcome. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reduction to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations across the landscape.

Right Questions to Ask

Some of the vital questions that a patient should ask the surgeon prior to finalizing her breast reduction plastic surgery procedure include the following:

Other Suggestions

The patient should frankly discuss the cost, insurance, payment and financing aspects with the surgeon during the consultation. She should review as many breast reduction before and after photos as possible to get a clear idea of what to expect from the surgery.

In case the patient feels the need for more information, she should ask for testimonials of previous patients to learn about their experience as well as review the surgeon’s practice website in detail. Committed female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas and other communities and neighborhoods in the illustrious state of Texas for breast reduction surgery.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Preparing For Breast ReductioPreparing For Breast Reduction

Pre-operative preparation is vital to the success of a major cosmetic surgery procedure such as breast reduction. The surgeon will provide the patient with detailed preparatory guidelines, address any questions and concerns, understand their health history, and conduct a physical exam to establish the patient’s candidacy for the surgery.

Once the patient’s candidacy is cleared, a surgery date will be scheduled and the pre-op preparations can begin. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reduction surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations in the fantastic Lone Star State.

Key Steps in Preparation

The surgeon may require the patient to have an electrocardiogram and chest x-ray. If the patient is over 40 years of age, she may also have to take a mammogram. If the surgeon suggests a certain body weight level or lifestyle modification, the patient should follow these recommendations for ideal outcomes and reduce the risk of complications.

Before the breast reduction plastic surgery procedure, the surgeon may ask the patient to:

Day of the Breast Reduction Surgery

On the day of the breast reduction surgery the patient:

The patient should carry only essential items such as insurance card, ID, cell phone, etc. She should leave any other personal items such as jewelry at home. Committed female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas and other suburbs and neighborhoods in this region of the country for breast reduction surgery.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Your Breast Reduction ConsultationYour Breast Reduction Consultation

A breast reduction cosmetic surgery procedure is designed to decrease the size of the breasts and reshape them to make them more proportional to the rest of the body.  

During the pre-op consultation, the patient will get a chance to discuss her medical and aesthetic concerns with the surgeon with regard to her oversized breasts. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reduction surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding communities.

Determining Candidacy

The surgeon will evaluate the patient as a breast reduction surgery candidate. They will inform the patient about the benefits and limitations of a breast reduction surgery. After the surgeon understands the patient’s goals, they will recommend the appropriate breast reduction technique, and may sometimes suggest additional plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction, breast lift, or tummy tuck.

The plastic surgeon will assess, measure, and take pictures of the patient’s breasts for their medical record. They will determine:

Health Evaluation

The patient should be ready to discuss her health history during the breast reduction pre-op consultation. This will include:

The patient should inform the surgeon if she plans to lose a significant amount of weight. The surgeon can suggest that the patient stabilize her weight before a breast reduction surgery.

The patient should also discuss pregnancy plans for the future with the surgeon. Pregnancy can change the shape and size of breasts unpredictably. This can impact the results of the breast reduction procedure.

Treatment Plan

The surgeon will design a treatment plan according to the patient’s unique goals, physical attributes, and their own training and experience. They will share the following suggestions and information with the patient:

Questions to Ask the Surgeon

The patient should freely ask questions to the surgeon during the consultation. The surgeon will address their questions and concerns so that they can make an informed decision.

Furthermore, the patient should ask openly about the financial implications of the breast reduction procedure. They can also enquire about the guidance that the surgeon’s office can offer regarding financing options and insurance.

Testimonials and Images

The patient may be shown before and after breast reduction photos of former patients during the initial consultation so that they can develop realistic expectations. The patient can request the surgeon to show testimonials of former patients of a breast reduction surgery who have offered feedback.

Experienced female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas and other towns and cities in this amazing state of Texas for breast reduction surgery.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Breast reduction cosmetic surgery procedure is aimed at creating more proportionate breasts as well as eliminating potential pain and discomfort in the neck, back, and shoulders. Women interested in breast reduction surgery should discuss with the surgeon about the steps involved in the procedure and then decide whether or not to choose this surgery. 

During the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will explain the steps involved to the patient and help her make an educated decision.

Patients should take this opportunity to voice any concerns or doubts and reduce their pre-surgery anxiety. Stellar and board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reduction surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.

Consultation and Preparation

Before the breast reduction plastic surgery, the surgeon will schedule a detailed consultation with the patient. The patient will have a chance to discuss her personal aesthetic needs and goals, and discuss her medical history to establish candidacy.

The surgeon will also use the consultation opportunity to explain the pre-op guidelines to ensure that the patient is well-prepared for a safe and successful surgery.

Placement of Incisions

Breast reduction surgery uses one of three methods: an anchor incision, a vertical incision, or a scarless incision. The anchor incision technique involves an incision made around the areola, vertically down the breast, and subsequently horizontally along the breast crease.

The vertical incision is made around the areolar border and vertically down the breast for decreased scarring. A scarless incision entails minute incisions made at the breast crease or armpit, and the surplus fat is eliminated through liposuction.

Surgical Reduction

The surgeon will take out the excess fat, tissue, and skin from the lower breasts through the incisions. If the patient has mostly fat tissue in the breasts, only liposuction may be used to decrease the breast size. This provides the benefits of lesser scarring, reduced breast tissue trauma, and minimized risk of complications. But in case of glandular tissue, the traditional tissue excision will have to be performed.

Repositioning the Nipples

The surgeon may reposition the nipples and areolas at a higher level in this procedure. The procedure will include removing the nipple from its present location and grafting it to the desired site. Women with oversized breasts usually required nipple repositioning. The surgeon will inform the patient before the surgery on whether sensation in the nipple will be altered or entirely lost.

Closing the Incisions

The surgeon will use removable or absorbable sutures to close the incisions. The method used for closing the incisions will be discussed with the patient before the surgery. Temporary drain tubes may be placed below the incision sites to collect excess fluid and prevent infection. The breasts will be initially covered with bandages, and later a surgical bra will replace the bandages.

Recovery period is an important part of the breast reduction procedure. The patient will be provided with post-operative care instructions, which she should follow carefully. Perspicacious, cordial, and female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas and other suburbs and neighborhoods in the prolific state of Texas for breast reduction.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.

Women with oversized and pendulous breasts typically make ideal candidates for breast reduction cosmetic surgery. 

In addition to creating a disproportionate physical appearance, overly large breasts can cause neck pain, limit activities and lifestyle preferences, create discomfort in the shoulder region, cause indents in the area where the bra straps are supported, and lead to breathing problems.

Women who seek breast reduction surgery are typically suffering from a constant burden of heaviness in the chest area due to the large breast size.

After a breast reduction procedure, the patient can get a more proportional body, lasting physical relief, and improved self-confidence. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak provides breast reduction surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.

Characteristics of a Good Candidate

The right candidate for a breast reduction procedure is a woman who is unhappy with the appearance of her oversized and pendulous breasts.

Heavy breasts will make routine activities more challenging and may cause discomfort and pain either occasionally or continually. Many women who choose breast reductions surgery are bothered with the pain and irritation that their large breasts cause them.

In some cases, even though a woman is not bothered too much with the physical discomfort caused by large breasts, she may still want to go ahead with a breast reduction plastic surgery to enhance her self-image, which is a vital benefit of this surgery. Certain women choose this surgery so that their clothes fit better or they don’t feel embarrassed in social settings.

Ideally, breast reduction surgery is advised only for women with mature, fully developed breasts. However, in some exceptional cases, the surgery can be recommended for younger women if the breasts may be causing too much pain and discomfort. The surgery is not suitable for women who intend to breastfeed as it will eliminate many milk ducts that lead to the nipples.

Candidacy for Different Types of Reduction

Women interested in breast reduction surgery should have realistic expectations from the procedure and research the surgical alternatives that they can avail. This knowledge will enable them to discuss their candidacy for a specific breast reduction technique more effectively with the surgeon.

Women with significantly oversized breasts can be good candidates for the conventional anchor pattern breast reduction surgery. Compared to other methods, this technique provides for a large amount of surplus skin and breast tissue to be removed. This technique is also more suited to candidates that have more glandular tissue than fat, such as women with very dense breast tissue, very thin women, and women who have not yet reached menopause.

The vertical incision breast reduction may be more suitable for women with medium to large breasts. This technique may not be advisable for women who require the removal of a large amount of breast tissue and fat. Women who have more fatty breast tissue than glandular tissue can be ideal candidates for the scarless breast reduction surgery as only liposuction may be enough to eliminate the excess volume of fat in the breast.

Experienced female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas and nearby areas for breast reduction.

For more information on procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.